Blowers Green Wagon Repair Yard

O Gauge 7mm finescale 1970s corporate blue

The wagon repair yard is based on a former wagon repair depot in Birmingham and is set in the BR blue period, 1968 to 1980s. Blowers Green Wagon Repair Yard is designed to show the medium sized 7mm FS layout can be a little more than just a shunting plank.

Developed using two back-scene boards from my home layout "Vauxhall Wharf", Blowers Green caters for main line

rban services, short freight, P-Way formations and special workings with cripples or repair stock.

Blowers Green Wagon repair is, or would be if it had ever existed, situated on the now mothballed line between Stourbridge junction and Wolverhampton and lies just south of Dudley Tunnel on the site of the former Blowers Green station and near Netherwood Junction.